Immortal Episode
Respect and Ardent Love for War Veterans
One day in July 2012 the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un told the officials to celebrate the Day of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War meaningfully as the day of victors.
Saying that a climate of respecting and treating war veterans preferentially should be established in the society, he said that the purpose of the Party to celebrate the V-day on a large scale is to establish a climate of respecting revolutionary forerunners.
His saying was full of respect and ardent love for the war veterans.
He highly appraised the feats performed by the victorious generation for the country, the Party and the leader in the proud course of our revolution, saying the war veterans are heroes and revolutionary forerunners who defended the country at the cost of their blood during the Fatherland Liberation War and rendered distinguished service in supporting President Kim Il Sung as standard-bearers in different posts in the period of postwar rehabilitation as well as in the war period.
The hearts of the officials beat fast with strong emotion. It was a meaningful occasion for them to know more deeply the world of noble obligation and endless love of the General Secretary for the war veterans.
That day he told the officials that the war veterans should be respected and treated well in the society so that they could recollect their life with pride of being participants in the Fatherland Liberation War.
Thanks to the noble intention of the General Secretary, the incarnation of revolutionary obligation, beautiful deeds of respecting and taking good care of the war veterans can be heard in every part of the DPRK.
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